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Working with your menstrual cycle to create your business strategy

Writer's picture: clairesophiacommsclairesophiacomms

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

“I’m trying to figure out the difference between how I oracle in my work with clients and then when I work on my business.” 

Journal with rose pen and cup of tea

I smiled back at my client who was talking through some of her current challenges to working on her business strategy. 

Seeing it as a separate task from the beautiful, magical, potent work she does not only for her clients, but for herself in everyday life. 

I see many women like this. Women who are powerful, magical beings, who then feel stuck when it comes to doing the ‘business stuff’. They've learned that 'business' is boring, conditioned from corporate life or a soul sucking job and they're feeling stuck in their old ways of working. They try to build magical businesses from a blueprint that never worked for them in the first place, a blueprint that had them feeling frozen and lacklustre most of their working lives (I can relate!).

But it doesn’t work like that when we create our own businesses. Hell, I’ve spent the last few years trying to figure it out for myself too, blending my previous twenty years’ career of corporate marketing with my own soul journey, trying to fit in a predominantly linear-shaped world. 

So, what’s the answer when you’re trying to ‘figure out’ your own business strategy? 

It’s an inside job first

Woman relaxing with eyes closed

Here’s the rub when it comes to working on your own business strategy. From an early age, we’re taught in our education systems, and our workplaces, that working is an ‘outside in’ first approach. In other words, learn from teacher first, digest the information, then create from the knowledge you learned from someone else - you submit the essay, then get the degree, for example. 

Then, we apply that ‘outward first’ approach towards building a business - buy a course, get qualified or trained, before you can figure out how to create your business. And of course, we might want to train up on something and learn a little more, but figuring out what you want to offer in your own business and how you want to  go about doing that? That’s an inside job first.

Every business is built from within first. You might, like I once did, perceive business as a very ‘masculine’, tangible thing. And it does take a lot of that masculine ‘doing’ energy and discipline to create a business. But all businesses, I believe, are spiritual, in the simple fact that they were all birthed from someone’s idea, someone’s spirit came alive and believed in it enough to bring it into form. 

So when it comes to creating your own strategy, unless you want a cookie-cutter shaped business that hasn’t come from your own ideas, you’re going to have to go inwards first. Connecting to your own soul purpose is always part of the work I do with clients initially. 

But this isn’t simply about visualisation, manifestation, and  mindset-based methods. As a somatic yoga practitioner as well as a business coach, I'm all about feeling into your own body wisdom first and specifically for women, your womb wisdom. This is where your creative life force lives, and your own business magic truly lies. 

Connecting to your womb wisdom

Now, going back to my client earlier who mentioned her struggle with ‘oracling’, I had to have a little chuckle, as we hadn’t yet moved into the Oracle phase of the mentorship programme. This is the ‘feminine foundations’ I share with clients, of building a business that FEELS good first, before taking aligned action. A key part of those foundations is working with our own body wisdom. It’s about creating from the very first place of creation itself, our womb space. 

A red rose with moisture droplets

A quick womb storytime… 

I’ll share with you a VERY short version of my own womb story. In May 2020, I had my own ‘womb awakening’ experience - it was a very painful, scary experience - not the ‘angels-blowing-trumpets-out-their-backsides’ love and light version of awakening we might think happens. 

My womb quite literally woke me up screaming at me (a trip to A&E was needed but in short I’m all good now), and from that moment onwards, I started to pay much more attention to her signals. I started tracking my cycle more closely, and connecting with her deeply - it was after all, lockdown 2020 v1 - so like many others, I had a perfect opportunity to go inward.

Before that time I was completely disconnected from my womb and my cycle, concerned only with being able to get on with my life, ignoring her and seeing my period as a downright nuisance as and when she showed up. 

Does this sound familiar at all? Maybe you’re part of the cycle tracking crew already, which is awesome! But how much do you sync up this natural inner wisdom with your business creation? This is where things get really  magical!

The magic of menstruation and business strategy

Our bodies are bloody amazing, aren’t they? I get it, it might not feel very magical as a woman sometimes, but the fact we literally get to become new, 28-ish days a month, and have a chance to be completely reborn, is a bloody miracle. We bleed and we don’t die, if that isn’t magic, I don’t know what is. 

Anyway, I digress. Birthing a business, like birthing a child, takes a huge amount of energy. And if we haven’t actually conceived, we let go of what was in the previous cycle in the form of our monthly bleed. This, my love, is the most potent time of your cycle. It’s the phase where you can tap into your intuition most deeply, and connect to your own ‘inner oracle’. 

A woman meditating with hands placed on her womb area

Our ancestors would, at one time, use this time for magic making too - women would spend their bleed in ‘red tents’, sharing their inner wisdom and discussing ways forward in their communities - they were revered as the seers, and the oracles of their time.

But with the birth of a more patriarchal structure, womb temples were forced underground, as the nature-based ways of  our world were turned against and people looked outside of themselves for the answers in the church and authority figures - the womb wisdom lost, and when we started to disconnect from our true nature. 

So it’s time to reclaim that connection and birth bloody beautiful businesses - in a time which I’m so grateful to live in where it’s now safe and accessible for most of us to do this work ‘above ground’. 

A divine way of working

Our world today is still not fully set up FOR this way of working and being, of sitting in a red tent for days whilst we’re bleeding. But isn’t that the magic of building your own business after all? It’s a huge part of my own business ‘why’ now! 

If you’re in the process of birthing a magical business, start to weave these first few days of your bleed time into the periods in your business where you take some time out to reflect, to plan, and strategise on what that bigger vision is for you. It’ll make birthing your own creations all the more powerful, coming from that beautiful womb wisdom you hold inside. 

Journal with rose pen and teacup

So really, there doesn’t have to be a separate way to ‘oracle’ or plan your business, in my eyes. You can connect this with your own inner oracle time in whatever way suits you. Building a strategy is a process of slowing down, of going inward and delving into the depths of you - the same as you would if you were oracling on any other area of your life. 

Ready to do things the divine way?

There’s so much more depth to the feminine foundations within your business too! If you want to delve deeper, you can join me for a FREE masterclass ‘Doing Business the Divine Way’ on 22nd February 7 - 9pm.  

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